NSIS : National Student Information System.


The National Student Information System (NSIS) is a centralized information system which caters to every stakeholder in the general education sector. It is a web application deployed in LGC which can be accessed at the national, provincial, zonal and school level with the proper access level with different access to data. This is the first initiative to deploy a nation-wide student system. It is believed that once the system is fully operational it would automate data requirements of different stakeholders for the operation of different projects, initiate programmes to rectify situations in advance and to facilitate effective and efficient decision-making and policy formulation for qualitative education for all. Furthermore, it stimulates the operations in the education to be conducted efficiently thus reducing the wastage of resources.


A complete student information system for the Ministry of education to cover all the relevant up to date information regarding schools, students and generate reports to fulfil the policy and decision-making requirements.


  • Provide up to date information for decision-makers at school, Zonal, provincial and ministerial level.
  • Increase efficiency in decision making.
  • Reduce wastage in resources.
  • Ensure that all students to receive a quality education in order to realize their potential and become productive citizens to the country.

Abstract Design Architecture

Abstract Design Architecture


  • Student profile

    • Personal information
    • Academic information
    • Health information
    • Performance and history information
  • School profile

    • Physical information
    • Contact details
    • Location information (Map)
    • Positions and teacher information
    • Staff structure
    • Student allocation for each class
    • Infrastructure information
  • Guardian information

    • Personal information
    • Student guardian relationship
  • Education programs

    • Classes structure
    • Subject allocation
    • 13 years program
    • Special education program
  • Student promotion(between grades)

    • Bulk student promotion between grades annually
    • Keep upto date student information
    • Student transferring (between schools)
  • Track student transferring

    • Avoid student registration in multiple schools
    • Maintain student tracing history records.
  • Heretical Management (Provincial/ Zonal /School )

    • Admin staff hierarchy
    • Role-based permission model
    • Customizable roles
    • Auditing and tracing facilities.
  • Data monitoring and report generating

    • Realtime dashboard
    • Statistical data visualization
    • Multiple dashboards in diffetent perspectives


  • Provide up to date information for decision-makers at school, Zonal, provincial and ministerial level. It is expected that once the system is fully operational it will provide updated information to the interested parties with authorized access with different access levels. At the grass root level, the school will have the opportunity access to detail information while other levels such as zonal, provincial and national level will have the access to obtain statics tailored to their requirements
  • Increase efficiency in decision making. The school will have to commit less time on preparing different reports to be submitted to zonal, provincial and national level freeing the administrators as well as teachers from such time consuming and cumbersome tasks. They would be able to provide accurate and consistent data across the academic year to the relevant parties. Reduce wastage in resources.
  • It will also reduce the paper used in such data collecting process thus minimizing the resource wastage. Ensure that all students to receive a quality education in order to realize their potential and become productive citizens to the country.
  • For the higher levels in the education sector, the system will facilitate up to date student information to the projects currently operating such as Uniform vouchers, Shoe vouchers, Milk, Mid-Day Meal, textbooks and Suraksha- the student Insurance scheme. Certain information in the system will flag the health risks of students. For example, students under underweight or obese levels can be targeted to provide nutritional programmes and awareness programmes as a preventive measure in order to have a healthy younger generation.
  • This NSIS can be viewed as a step towards achieving the objective of E-governance which the Sri Lankan Government is currently striving for. It is expected that the NSIS will become a full-fledged system which will fulfil the requirements of current and future needs of the parties of education sector enabling them to provide quality education to all the students in Sri Lanka.

A step for the digitalized schools.

NSIS project helps as an initial application for digitized school concept by introducing information management based on schools. Under this application, class teachers will be getting touch with a student information management system and that would be an initial step to make digitalized schools by empowering academic staff from bottom to top.